my sweet mother
my mother was born in 1965 in Rajasthan, which was the native place of her and her family. At the age of 8 she had studied upto 4th class and gave up her studies. Because there was no sophisticated education in Rajasthan . As she grew old, at the age of 18 years, her parents decided to marry her by giving her to a smart young man , who was my dad . Soonly , after 1 year they got married and decided to settle in Nellore in Andhrapradesh. After 5 years my mother badly suffered with pregnancy . My father immediately arrived her to a famous doctor in Karnataka , who was my father's friend . When the doctor tested , he noticed her nerves were threatened in stamach and the blood is not passing fine to the child in the womb (who was me). The doctor decided to conduct an important operation . It was 5 hours operation where my mother had cried and shouted in the operation room because the pain was very hard, which we can not hope . After the surgery i was born in an emergency ward. After the delivery my mother cannot walk and talk for a month because of weakened nerves . After one month we went Nelllore . At the age of 3 years my mother started to learn me alphabetes and tables. When i was 4 years, she sent me to a primary school. In 4th year i dont no what is wrong and what it right. Because there is no good teacher in that school . Teachers only know how to beat and teach the children. In that age i neglected my studies. Every child afraid of me. In other words, I was DADA of my class. Once I had beat a teacher with my slate and she had a flow of blood on her head, on that my school correspondent had complained on me to my mother. By hearing all words, my mother took me to home and told me that it is bad and aware of what is good and bad. At that time I got nervous and afraid of my mother's reaction. But, she didnot scold me. She knew that how to teach a lesson with love and affection. My mother spent all her life in taking care of me and my studies. So, now I want to bear the love and affection of my mother by becoming a software engineer or a civil servent by givingmy honest services to the poor and needy.......wishing me all the best................................................................Mitesh kumar.P
A 15 years boy