When the girl was give the name of Subhashini, who could have guessed that she would prove dumb?
If Subha lacked speech, she didnot lack a pair of large dark eyes, shaded with long lashes; and her lips trembled like a leaf in response to any thought that rose in her mind.
When we express our thought in words, the medium is not found easily. There must be a process of traslation, which is often inexact, and then we fail into error. But black eyes need no translating; the mind itself throws a shadow upon them. In them thought opens or shuts, shines forth; or goes out in darkness, hangs steadfast like the setting moon, or like swift and restless lighting, illumines all quarters of the sky. They who from birth have had no other speech than the trembling of their lips learn a language of the eyes, endless in expression, deep as the sea, clear as the heavens , where in play dawn and sunset, light and shadow. The dumb have a lonley grandeur like Nature's own. Therefore the other children almost dreaded Subha and never played with her. She was silent and companionless as noontide.
In less than ten days every one knew that the bride was dumb ! Atleast, if any one didnot, it was not her fault, for she deceived no one. Her eyes told them everything, though no one understood her. She looked on every hand; she found no speech; she missed the faces, familiar from birth, of those who had understood a dumb girl's language. In her silent heart there sounded an endless, vioceless weeping, which only the Searcher of Hearts could hear.
Viswa kavi...Sri Rabindranath Tagore.